Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 2nd, 2012 No Comments

Procrastination as inspiration

If procrastination were a real person, we would be soul mates – destined to spend the rest of our lives together. For the past 21 years, procrastination and I have gotten along quite famously.
Starting your 10 page research paper four hours before it’s due? Sure, why not. Finishing up your 30 discussion posts two hours before your class? Great, I think better under pressure.
Until a few weeks ago, putting things off until the last minute always proved to be successful. My work still managed to get done on time, and I received (mostly) good grades. However, I recently learned the hard way that there are some things you just can’t procrastinate on. This year, I became the genius who waited until the semester before she graduates to finish her gen eds.
I’m assuming at one point in time I thought it would make total sense to put off all the class I didn’t want to take until the very end. So for the past few semesters I’ve been focusing on my 300 and 400 level courses simply because, well, I enjoy them. I enjoy the content and I like my classmates. For me, there’s a big difference between gen ed courses and the ones for my major – I don’t care about the content and I don’t like my classmates.
Through my travels back to freshman year, I’m starting to realize that most people don’t start off college with  much common sense. This semester, I have three 100 level courses, which means that I have the pleasure of being surrounded by freshmen. Although there are certain people in my classes that actually care more about passing than getting wasted, that number is pathetically low.
On day one of my science class, I got to sit next to someone who was still drunk from the night before and certainly smelled like it and  was surrounded by countless others who spent the minutes before the professor arrived to freely discuss how many parties in the dorms got busted, who got slutty and slept with who and of course, where to get the best weed and alcohol in GJ. On day one of my English class, another genius walked into class, looked at another student and proudly proclaimed, “Dude, I smoked a bowl at your house another day.”
Although reminiscing and looking back on our younger years is a task that all of us enjoy at some points in our lives, two weeks ago I found out that I really, really never want to be a freshman again. Taking freshmen courses your senior year is not something I would recommend. That is, unless you have the strong urge to kick yourself in the face repeatedly throughout each class period. If you do, then go ahead and save the worst for last. But just in case you don’t, when your advisor tells not to keep putting off your required courses, you should probably listen to him.

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