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Posted on: August 12th, 2012 No Comments

10 tips to surviving freshman year

Professor Regis Tucci lecturing incoming freshman at a FYI class. Photo by: Clinton(Buddy)Brown


Let’s face it—college is a huge transition and change in your life. Being on your own and independent is a big step and there are consequences and challenges that come with it. Putting off your laundry for three weeks at a time is not attractive and sleeping until 2 p.m. each day can come with a nice “Academic Probation” letter. With these 10 tips you’ll be sure to succeed in your first week on your own.

1. It’s ok, you can talk to strangers. You’d be surprised how many people come to college not knowing anyone and are just looking to make friends. Don’t be afraid to sit down next to the person who’s eating alone in the cafeteria.

2. Tour campus. Mapping out a route to each of your classes may seem like a pointless routine now, but you’ll be glad you found the quickest way to Bio when you wake up seven minutes before class starts.

3. Take advantage of Welcome Week activities like the Toga Party, Grocery Bingo and LaserBattle. These fun and free events taking place on campus and are perfect activities to ease the transition into college.

4. Don’t sweat the roomie drama. Becoming BFFs with your roommate isn’t something that happens to everyone. Actually, it isn’t even something that happens to most people. It’s totally ok to not want to do everything together, but it is a good idea to set some ground rules. No one wants to be living with the girl who feels the constant need to pleasure her boyfriend.

5. RA’s can actually be your friends. Establishing a good relationship with them can only benefit you. When you have a major problem don’t be afraid to talk to them. Chances are they’re not a scary as you think.

6. Don’t get burnt out on the same food. Sure, cafeteria pizza three times a day seems like a great idea now, but talk to me five days from now and I’m sure you won’t be feeling too hot. The cafeteria has a ton of different food options, don’t be afraid to change things up every once in a while.

7. Dorm room snacks are a must. Since the cafeteria isn’t open 24-7, it’s a good idea to always keep a secret stash of food nearby. Ramen is going to be one of your best friends for the next four years, so you might as well get acquainted now.

8. Don’t succumb to the Freshman 15. Get familiar with the rec center early. Not everyone works out the same way. If the elliptical isn’t for you, try one of the workout classes the rec center offers, or maybe put together an intermural team.

9. Explore GJ. Take a walk downtown or climb Mt. Garfield, whatever you do don’t lock yourself in your dorm room. This is going to be your home for the next four years, you might as well get to know it.

10. Study Buddy. Study Buddy. Study Buddy. Making friends with at least one person in all of your classes is an absolute must. Having someone to call after you’ve missed a class can make all the difference on your grade.

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