Located in: Features
Posted on: April 22nd, 2012 No Comments

PAC’s Gift: Some relief from academic chaos

What has free donuts, a comedian and a mentalist?

Stress relief week is the one time of the semester that students are encouraged to drop the study guide and step away from the academic chaos. There will be free food for CMU students in the morning and a little trivia game show or comedy at night.

The Programming Activities Council is organizing all of the events for stress relief week.

PAC is a small organization of four members who donate their time to provide CMU students with a variety of fun activites on campus.

“We just wanted to give you [students] a break from studying and provide a free breakfast after staying up all night studying,” PAC member Sam Glenn said. “I am a freshman so I don’t know how long they have done this but last semester it was a lot of fun and we are trying to make it a regular event.”

Donuts and coffee will be given away in front of Houston Hall from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Monday and Tuesday morning. Comedian Kendra Corrie is performing Tuesday night, a trivia game show on will be held on Wednesday and Mentalist Robert Channing will be on campus on Thursday. A mentalist is someone who has great attention to detail and is able to guess unbelievable things about a person just from observation. Glenn also mentioned that PAC has another surprise event in the works, but plans are not yet finalized.

For more information search for “Stress Relief Week Spring 2012” on Facebook.

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