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Posted on: March 25th, 2012 No Comments

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

It has been quite a while since I last opened a copy of The Crite, but when I saw the headline “Islamic Leader Dispels Religious Myths,” I just HAD to pick it up. “Finally,” I thought, “A religious leader admits that everything in their ‘holy book’ is a myth!” Then I actually read the article. I was very disappointed, to say the least.

The religious leader was quoted as saying “Some people are comfortable being ignorant,” which I thought was funny coming from a religious person. After all, religion is based purely on faith, which is the antithesis of reason. In order to have faith, one has to ignore all of the verifiable evidence which goes against their claims of a creator. Christians are the worst at this, and always have been. Not only have they always tried to ignore evidence that proves them wrong, but throughout history and even today, they attempt to destroy those who point out flaws and outright hypocrisy in their beliefs. Muslims on the other hand, were at one point pioneers of the sciences. How they can go from that to choosing to be ignorant of the results of those sciences centuries later is baffling to me.

For one religious person to call other religious people ignorant is just the pot calling the kettle black. The battle should not be between Christians and Muslims and the differences in what they believe; one thing that all religions have in common is that they are all based on superstitions and myths. The battle should be between those propping up stories in a century’s old book as proof of god, and those who use verifiable evidence to call those stories B.S. My use of reason is stronger than your ignorantly held faith. Let all those who pray, say Amen.



Kyle Davis

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