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Posted on: February 20th, 2012 No Comments

Just the Tip: Love Advice from Anthony Himes

Dear Anthony,
My girlfriend plays for an intramural basketball team. When she’s not on the court, she’s the sweetest thing, but on the court she’s the scariest player I’ve seen, period. Should I worry that she might take some of that aggression out on me sometime?
Sincerely, Scared

Dear Scared,
As long as she’s letting out all her furry on the court, then you should be safe. Many female athletes are fierce when it’s gametime. Though, if she ever loses or has a bad game, I’d let her cool down for a bit after the game before seeing her again. You don’t want a hand to the face.

Dear Anthony,
I got my girlfriend some chocolate for Valentines Day, which she enjoyed. She got me chocolate, too, but she also ate mine. How come all of my gifts are also her gifts?
Sincerely, Those Are Mine

Dear Those Are Mine,
Gifts are one of the things that make women very happy. For the most part, when they get you a gift, they buy it knowing they can use it, too. For example, if she buys you tickets to a game, she knows that sh will also go and you will end up buying stuff for her there. It’s a game that they play, and they play it well.

Dear Anthony,
Is it solely the man’s responsibility to bring the condoms?
Sincerely, Trojan

Dear Trojan,
You should feel just as strict, if not more, than a woman when it comes to protection. I know I care enough about my prized possesions to make sure nothing ever happens to them.

Dear Anthony,
Why do girls say that they prefer guys with a sense of humor when we know that’s such a big, fat lie?
Sincerely, Not Falling For It

Dear Not Falling For It,
It makes them sound better when they say that rather than saying that they just want a guy with ripped abs. They just don’t want to sound shallow, but we just sit back and laugh when we hear them say that.

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