Located in: Opinions
Posted on: February 19th, 2012 No Comments

The benefits of self-motivation

Goals. There are soccer goals, fitness goals, academic goals and “I bet I can be more white-girl drunk than you” goals. But what makes meeting goals difficult is the fact that you have to work to achieve them.

Recently I decided that I was sick and tired of looking in the mirror and seeing my man boobs. So I decided to undertake one of the most common goals that we unhealthy, lazy, ugly Americans dread – getting fit. Now, I know that I’m not special by deciding to become healthier, but I have given it a good go so far.

I began about six weeks ago with my friend, Leonard. We both had specific goals and weren’t afraid to meet them. Now, I’m not super obese, but I could stand to lose some weight, so I decided I want to lose 25 lbs. I started a 12 week fitness for dummies plan about three weeks ago. Previously I had tried to work out but failed miserably. For me, it’s always infamous week three. Week three is when I usually quit something. Previous working out experiences – week three. Drinking soda – week 3. Trying to pass my classes – week three. Skyrim – week three (Thank God.) Remember how I mentioned I was on week six? Yeah, I actually survived week three with flying colors. In fact, I’ve been doing much better than I have ever done before by far. I’ve even bought protein powder to give me more energy when working out. I spend five days a week in the gym for at least two hours a day. I work out muscle groups and always do at least 30 minutes of cardio. I haven’t missed a day in a month. Not only have I started working out, I’ve also completely cut out soda and am now watching my diet closely.  I’m very proud of myself, to say the least. But, there are always roadblocks on the way to success.

Earlier today I hit the scale, and I weighed four pounds more than I did yesterday. I can’t even explain the frustration and discouragement that hit me at that moment. I weighed myself again because I couldn’t believe it. I was so upset that I wanted to leave the gym and go home, but I told myself I was going to lose 25 pounds and damn it I’m going to do it. So I lifted my weights and slowly let my  anger out with each rep. I hit the elliptical and powered through my discouragement. I worked harder than I normally do. I had only three minutes left when Stronger by Kanye West came through my headphones. At that moment a feeling of immense pride and accomplishment hit me, completely the opposite of what I had been feeling the whole work out, and I knew I was going to meet my goal. The four pounds were only a minor setback. I was king of the world for a moment and I know that soon I really will reach my goal.

So if you’re trying to lose weight like me, don’t give up.  Soon you will reach your goals.

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