Located in: Opinions
Posted on: February 12th, 2012 No Comments

Arab man strives to father 100 kids

Daad Murad Abdul Rahman has 88 children and won’t stop until he fathers his 100th child.
True Fact.
Many television shows and movies have associated themselves with the plot line of large family’s getting along under one roof. The movie “Cheaper by the Dozen” is the first movie that comes to mind. Children running around the house in complete chaos at all times. Now imagine this movie but on a much larger scale. Instead of 11 brothers and sisters, now there are 87 siblings to account for. The story of Rahman is one of shock and disbelief.
One would imagine Rahman as a younger man still in his prime for birthing children. Rahman, however, is 64 years old. His family consists of 50 boys and 38 girls. Rahman’s children are spread out among seven houses, although; not all of the older children still live at home. His oldest is 39 years old, while the youngest is a newborn. In 2008 Rahman was only at child 78, nonetheless he managed to conceive 10 more children in the three year time period. His goal of 100 children by 2015 is more than manageable.
Obviously more than one woman is giving birth in order for his family to grow so rapidly. Over the years he has been married 15 times and has had children with each wife. 12 of the women have divorced him, evidently tired of giving birth year after year. Although most of them still live in one of the seven houses so they can take care of their children. His next marriage is to take place in a couple months to a fertile 18 year old girl.
Rahman is looked up to as a hero in the United Arab Emirates. He receives many benefits from the state; including the fact all seven of his houses were free, pension from the military, as well as financial aid. Some of the idolism of Rahman comes from the fact he’s been in newspaper articles and television shows in the past couple of years. Most of the wives find it very exciting when they see their husband and children on TV. That’s the only reason I can think an 18 year-old girl would want to get involved in this birthing cycle, no matter what country you’re from.
I would expect the family to get tired of accepting children into their households. I mean they must celebrate at least one birthday every week. What is Rahman going to do once he reaches his 100th child? Actually take care of his kids or try to beat the world record for neglect? In Islam the father is responsible for his children’s marriages, I’m not quite sure how he is planning on handling marrying off so many children, all the while still teaching and caring for the younger kids. I wonder why he decided to pursue this crazy goal and populate the earth even more. One thing for certain, his wives will jump for joy the moment his 100th child is born.

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