Located in: Opinions
Posted on: January 30th, 2012 No Comments

Just the Tip: Love Advice from Anthony Himes

Dear Anthony,
My boyfriend and I are on a new “We are wanting to get healthy” trend. But, he never wants to work out with me. Why?
Sincerely, 5-Minute Abs

Dear 5-Minute Abs,
Most guys really just don’t care about how they look once they are in a relationship. I mean, what’s the point of practicing throwing better if you’ve already been named the starting quarterback, right? He’s obviously fine with his physique, he just tells you that he will to show his support for you.

Dear Anthony,
Is there a way to ask the girlfriend for a three-way without making her mad?
Sincerely, Fantasy Fulfilled

Dear Fantasy Fulfilled,
You have to express your needs while making her think that you are actually expressing her needs. Tell her the relationship is missing that spark. She will ask how that spark can be found again. Bring up her best friend Becky. You know, the one she’s not afraid to be extra close to. Bring up how she can also get involved. That way, the idea is out there, and your girlfriend can’t be mad because you are just looking out for the both of you. Mission accomplished.

Dear Anthony,
Is it bad to tell my girlfriend how much fun the strip club is? Honesty is a main component of a good relationship, isn’t it?
Sincerely, A Fan of Cinnamon

Dear Cinnamon Fan,
I think it’s safe to say that the strip club is the best place for men to fell better about whatever. As long as you can convince that you go there to get things off your mind, she shouldn’t have an issue with it.

Dear Anthony,
I work all the time with my three jobs. How can I work all the time without making my girlfriend feel neglected?
Sincerely, Busy

Dear Busy,
You are forgetting one thing. Girls love money. Girls run off of money like cars run off of gas. Jobs are needed to make that money. So, the more you work, the happier she is because she knows what’s coming home to her. So go ahead and do your thing because she is in full support of it.

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