Located in: Opinions
Posted on: November 6th, 2011 No Comments

Ten necessary steps to achieve budget ballin’

“Budget Ballin’” is a term coined for the daring kids that think outside the box when it comes to partying and living life. These ten steps will help you save some dough, while keeping it sickly fun with your friends in college.
1. Have a goal in mind, and don’t be afraid to look a fool.  May I suggest powernaps before the evening? I always laugh when I go to Vegas with my friends, and the new guy who joined us wants to rage at nine — pace yourself. If successful, it’s probably going to be a long night.
2. Get a crew to join in on your festivities… bingo/ bongo… Bam, you always win with a team of friends. However, “Choose Wisely,” quoting Indiana Jones.
3. Let the ego go at the door. As I always say, “If they can’t take a joke, eff ‘em”, and “if you can’t make fun of yourself, eff you.” We are not going to the red carpet at the Grammy’s. We are going out to have fun and let loose. Act a fool. You will be greeted by newcomers with a warm laugh nine out of ten times.
4. Spend money, yet conserve money. Spending $80 to some people is a ton of money, but IF the time calls for it, do it. Remember it’s just money, and you are not trying to be a stiff like Warren Buffet.
5. Car party in the parking lot. It’s a party with the people you want, the music you want, and the booze is quite less expensive. (Note: DUI = keys in car while drinking).
6. Make friends with everyone that is involved with cash transactions. The restaurant industry is a lucrative one with many holes. You ever wonder why six shots are 38 bucks? Yeah, six doesn’t go evenly into 38. It’s simple, people make up prices. Be on the good side of this equilibrium and don’t tip accordingly, tip exceptionally.
7. Be yourself. Nothing wrong with almost any look, but remember to look fresh with original jewelry, clothing, shoes, etc. You can find cheap accessories at your local mall that will accent any style. Keep your fans, haters and party-mates alike always guessing to what you will be rocking the next time they see you.
8. Google that ish. When in doubt, google something, compare prices or just ask a question. It’s scary how the most valuable learning source in the history of the planet is free. Yes, Wikipedia is a beautiful thing as well.
9. Paper-Rock-Scissors. Yes, ro-sham-bo is one of the easiest games out there to settle disputes or pay tabs. When this game gets old, try credit-card roulette with your friends. Think about it, you may get off scott-free. Have some gamble in your life, it’s fun and will get the crew laughing with friendly banter.
10. Be versatile and adapt to change. Mixing up your party scenes is as important as how you party and who you party with.  When in doubt, get out of town to experience new things, if you run out of ideas on the home front. Always keep backup plans in order, and be patient as the evening unrolls. If you are willing to “ball out” and swing for the fences, then try some of these starting points. Remember as Wayne Gretzky said “100% of the shots you don’t take, don’t go in.”

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