Located in: Features
Posted on: October 9th, 2011 No Comments

Entrepreneurs on campus: CMU students pursue business opportunities

CMU is full of students who have started their own businesses. With their passion for entrepreneurship these students are quickly learning the ropes of sales.

Corey Wright, Mitch Walker, and Joe Webb are a few businessmen on campus. They started a business on campus called Stamp Act.

“We are a media group that shares beliefs through art and we also compose music,” Walker said.

They make shirt stencils for $5 and their music is posted online. The students started their business in late August after school started.

“Our friends give us ideas for stencils,” Wright said.

Unfortunately the three students face some difficulties.

“We wrote on the white board on our dorm room door and we got in troubling for soliciting our business,” Webb said.

Stamp Act wants to expand in all areas. Walker’s major is entrepreneurship and the business is a great way to gain experience. Walker wants to run his own business after college.

“Were all entrepreneurs at heart we all wanted to try something new,” Walker said.

You can reach Stamp Act through e-mail at stampactstencilry@gmail.com if you are interested in buying a shirt. Their music is available at soundcloud.com under “infinite eight.”

Another CMU student, Aaron Eggiman, recently started his experience in a business called Vemma. Instead of paying for advertisements on TV, Vemma puts money towards hiring students like Eggiman to sell not only the drink, but become involved in the business. Eggiman is the first person to sell Vemma in Grand Junction.

“I don’t really sell the product, I’m selling a business opportunity for people,” Eggiman said.

The franchise offers five different health drinks and gives jobs to people who want to gain experience and make money. Vemma, Verve, Thirst, Next, and P.M. are all products of the company. Next year they hope to add a weight loss drink. Verve was rated the No. 1 energy drink on Dr. OZ’s show and is now sponsored by the NBA, Dr.. OZ, the Phoenix Suns, and Michael Jordan.

“I didn’t think I was going to be able to get a job this year, but then my brother got me involved in this. He’s very business minded,” Eggiman said.

He has friends who have started in Oregon, which is where he is from, as well as in Arizona. One of Eggiman’s friends, Josh Noble, makes a $1,000 a week selling Vemma at ASU. Eggiman explained that the more you are able to sell, the more money you will make. He hopes to get more people involved and expand to Australia and University of Oregon.

“Most people our age hate being told what to do. Starting your own business is a chance to be your own boss while you are still a full-time student,” Eggiman said.

You can find Eggiman at eggiman11.veema.com.

Eggiman and Stamp Act plan to expand. Both businesses agree that it is hard to start your business, but if you have the time and dedication you can succeed.




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