Located in: Opinions
Posted on: October 3rd, 2011 No Comments

Just the Tip: Love advice from Anthony Himes

Dear Anthony,
My boyfriend keeps trying to get me to watch porn with him when we are in the mood. I am disgusted by porn. How do I tell him that I’m not into that stuff when we are in the moment?
Sincerely, Not Turned-on

Dear Not Turned-On,
You know how some big football players use steroids to get even bigger? That’s the deal here. He is just using the porn to get even more in the mood. If you use the moves that are in these adult pictures, he will be just fine with you and without the aid.

Dear Anthony,
All my boyfriend wants to do is cuddle. Whether it’s in public, after dinner or after the bedtime activities, he just wants to lay with me and cuddle. Should I be worried about anything?
Sincerely, Need Some Space

Dear Need Some Space,
You have yourself a clinger. As sweet as it sounds for a guy to say he wants to be with you forever and ever, it’s never good when he actually is with you forever and ever. If you try to get your own space, he will just worry and try even harder to make you “happy.” I say dump him. The clinger has got to go.

Dear Anthony,
I love my boyfriend very much and we are really close. However, he is pretty close with his best friend, who is a guy. By close, I mean extremely close. Is there a chance that he leaves me for his friend?
Sincerely, Straight up

Dear Straight up,
Nothing will ever come in-between a good Bromance. It’s a lot easier for a guy to talk about whatever to his buddy. Obviously, you offer him things that his friend can’t. Just don’t forget, the number one rule in the Bromance Rulebook is Bros before Hos.

Dear Anthony,
My girlfriend is sweet enough to drive us to most places and I am thankful for that. The thing is, she is a terrible driver. She always runs lights and she is a danger to society. How come all females lack the ability to drive?
Sincerely, Scared

Dear Scared,
Women lack a certain gene in their DNA that lets them stay in their own lane on the road. I’m joking, obviously. Women just love to multi-task. When they drive, they have to put on their make up, eat their lunch, talk on the phone, plan a girl’s night out and look at pictures, all while driving. Protect yourself by helping her out by taking her phone calls and holding her food. I know it’s extra work, but you make it to your destination in one piece.

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