Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 25th, 2011 No Comments

Is change really a good thing? The new facebook

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That’s what a majority of Facebook users were telling Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg this week when Facebook went under some remodeling. None of the status options were changed. You can still view your friends’ profiles and send out invitations to your club’s upcoming meetings. So what are we really angry about? Are we mad about the new Facebook layout or are we just not able to accept small change in how something appears?
If you don’t have a Facebook or just live under a rock, you may not understand why thousands of people are in uproar over simple changes in the past week. Zuckerberg wanted to change how things appeared in his social media empire. He made it where the “more important” posts pop up first when you open Facebook and the sidebar on the right, makes it so you can see everything that all your friends are doing online. It shows you what comments your friends like, what pictures they just posted, where they have checked-in, and what response person A had to person B’s wall post.
Facebook has even given rival Twitter a run for its money. You can now subscribe to certain celebrity or an athlete’s Facebook page, which is equivalent to following somebody on Twitter. Subscribing to someone’s posts is a simpler way to know what’s going on in your favorite player’s personal life.
Hasn’t anyone noticed how much clearer and easier it is to view photos on Facebook? If you are just scrolling down the page, the pictures that friends post are now larger and are even laid out as if it was a photo album. If you click on a picture, it takes you to that picture and allows you to tag friends and even tag where that picture was taken. The thing that makes Facebook a little bit better than Twitter is the fact that you can post and view pictures much easier. The fact that the picture part of Facebook is cleaner is a good enough reason to like the new improvements.
The fact-of-the-matter is, you can’t please everyone. There is always going to be someone who objects. People just have to adapt to change a lot better. Don’t form a petition group protesting Zuckerberg’s changes. Don’t allow other people’s opinions about the site to form your own opinion. If Facebook’s changes were going to be unsuccessful or unmanageable, they wouldn’t have gone through with them. Let’s face it, no matter what Zuckerberg does to change Facebook, we are all still going to log on every day and use it to it’s fullest extent.

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