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Posted on: September 18th, 2011 No Comments

Stocker, Suplizio updates to bring revenue to GJ

The history of Colorado Mesa University has been full of name changes, growth and expansion. Over half a century ago, after its second name change, Mesa College built both Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium to meet the new demands of this growing institution. Now after many name changes, new buildings, and expansions, it is time for Colorado Mesa University to meet new demands and partner with the Junior College World Series to renovate Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium to help keep our history alive.
Driving down either 12th Street or North Avenue, Suplizio Field renovations are easy to see, especially with the giant looming press box that has quickly made its way into the skyline. The press box will be the first of its kind here on the western slope, towering over both Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium. This dual sided press box will have state-of-the-art media hook-ups, connection to the new enclosed hospitality suite, as well as an ADA compliant elevator.
In addition to the press box, 4,000 seats are being added for the baseball field along the first base line. Additional stands and seating are also being added on the east side of the football stadium, along with a shared concession stand, dugouts and ADA compliant elevators, seating, and restrooms.
“(These changes) will be really exciting, and help switch to an open and friendly college atmosphere at games,” CMU Student Body President Justin Kawcak said.
In addition to what these renovations will do for the growth of CMU and the city, these changes will help meet the demands of the rapidly growing JUCO World Series.
The $8.3 million renovation may sound like a huge number for a few extra seats and a new press box, but the benefits provided more than make up the cost. Every year, JUCO pulls an extra few thousand people to Grand Junction. These few thousand and their spending provide an economic impact of over $3.5 million every year.
The City of Grand Junction contributed $7.5 million in the form of bonds, and JUCO will contribute $300,000 annually over the next 25 years in the form of bond repayment. The Colorado lottery will contribute proceeds totaling $230,777 annually over the next 25 years as well. There are several other contributions being made as well including $250,000 from the Grand Junction Improvement Board, $200,000 from community partners, $100,000 from CMU, and $25,000 from the Grand Junction Lions Club.
“I think it’s great that so many groups in the community can come together to create something like this,” Kawcak said.
Although JUCO has to go into a $7.5 million debt for these renovations, they hope to make-up that money in increased attendance to games, as well as additional press passes and areas in the hospitality suite.
The press box will also allow more media outlets into the press areas, with less crowding.
The final touch-ups on Suplizzio Field are planned for May of 2012, just in time for JUCO. President Foster said he hopes the fields are done before May, so CMU’s baseball team can start using them before the season is out.


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