Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 18th, 2011 No Comments

Star wars currency on New Zealand island

Star Wars coins will be used as money in the small island of Niue, New Zealand, starting in November 2011.
True Fact.
In the South Pacific a few island governments have chosen to use unique forms of money in the past, but nothing like this. The strangest currency until now would be when Yap decided to use large stones, but the newest change in currency blows Yapese’s stone money way out of the water. The New Zealand mint will begin printing a variety of 10 Star Wars coins made up of pure silver. The coins will feature characters such as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, and other favorites. However “awesome” these new coins sound, they can only be spent on the island of Niue, bumming out the rest of the population. I can only imagine how excited Star Wars fans would be if instead of Abraham Lincoln engraved on our penny the mask of Darth Vader appeared.
The coin value is worth $2 in New Zealand dollars. The catch is that each coin will be sold for $23.50, so most of the population will not be spending their coins on candy or knick-knacks. Instead, the limited mintage is viewed as collectors’ items throughout the world. Packs come in sets of four, each with a different character, and a custom Darth Vader carrying case. The packs will be sold for $469.00 (New Zealand currency).  Niue recognizes Queen Elizabeth the Second as their sovereign so each coin will have a Star Wars character on one side and Queen Elizabeth the Second on the other side. The double-face coins will definitely lead to some confusion when betting on heads or tails. Now New Zealanders will be betting on heads or light-saber.
While this topic seems merely comical, it does raise many questions. Why would the Niue government want Star Wars coins as legal tender? Is it a marketing technique to bring attention to the small island, creating buzz and excitement, persuading more tourists to visit the area? Could it be one of the few ways to liven up the small population of 1,398 people, or maybe the government officials are just die-hard Star Wars fans. Producing Star Wars coins would be an exciting change from the dull, old president faces; instead of,  “In God We Trust,” it would be, “May the force be with you.” Could this start a new trend for currency?  People wouldn’t be too thrilled to see the cast of Jersey Shore on a nickel. It also could open up a whole new world for advertising. Imagine company logos on a shiny new quarter. Coin collectors would be excited; as the generations proceeded, certain themes would be worth more than others.  Would it be easy or challenging to counterfeit this money?  Nov. 2011, Niue will have the force with them in a unique currency.  The citizens, government officials, and the president of the New Zealand mint are all ecstatic about the change and publicity it will bring to this tiny island. How fortunate to have the force be with you in your pocket.

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