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Posted on: September 18th, 2011 No Comments

More than peaches in Palisade


With 56 out of approximately 100 of Colorado’s wineries coming together at Riverbend Park in Palisade to offer samples, the recent Colorado Mountain Winefest is the largest event to showcase Colorado wines. Winefest began in 1991 and is the primary fundraiser for the Colorado Association for Viticulture and Enology (CAVE), an organization that helps Colorado wineries and orchards develop better grapes and better wines.
There is more to Winefest than just drinking wine. The grape stomp is a featured event where participants “jam” to some jazzy blues and feel the grapes squish between their toes. Many years ago, this was done to separate the grape juice from the stems and seeds, and was left to ferment. Today, many wineries use machines for this process as there are certain health codes to maintain. Instead of being fermented, this special mash was used for fertilizer.
There were also several chef demonstrations including elaborate ice carvings, wine pairings and a seminar devoted entirely to wine glasses and how specifically shaped glasses bring out the flavors and aromas of different wines. Many food vendors were scattered among the wineries offering similar tastings of their products.
Many chefs were part of the culinary program at CMU so students were able to gain work experience as well as extra credit for working the event. Their foods varied form a Thai pork dish and steak medallions to decadent cheesecake, which were all elegantly presented.
For those who were without a designated driver, it was easy to catch a ride with shuttles from several Horizon Drive and downtown locations with pickups every 15-30 minutes for only $12 roundtrip. The general admission ticket and shuttle service makes for an affordable weekend.
Winefest has expanded into a four-day event featuring various events from golf to chef expos and a 25 mile bicycle tour through the Palisade area. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate wine drinker, the knowledge you gain at Winefest will help you feel comfortable finding the drink for you.


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