Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 18th, 2011 No Comments

Choose major based on passion

The first question I am often asked while on campus is, “What is your major?” My response is, “I am a second year English literature major with a minor in political science,” which seems to confuse a lot of people. The response, “What the heck will you do with that?” typically follows.
I am not shocked that someone would have this response. These days there appears to be no fool proof major to study. According to many, we do not need more doctors, lawyers, broadcasters, pilots, politicians, and many other experts in our shifting economy. Many changes are occuring in the work force. With many occupations deemed risky, many college students face anxiety and self-doubt when choosing their path of study.
The good news: a degree does not always define what is certain for the future.
“Some of the governmental budget positions I have wanted to apply for require psychology degrees,” finance and marketing major with a mass communication minor student Ashley Sutton-Daniels said.
Like this case, there are a variety of opportunities available outside of the exact job that is expected after graduation. There are fields such as nursing that require specific training to be utilized immediately after an undergraduate degree, but there are also many degrees that provide training so that your career may end up being an assortment of things in a variety of areas.
At several informational sessions with law schools, their recommendation has been to earn a degree in something enjoyable for that law school hopeful, such as biology or architecture. Then, they are instructed to apply to law school with that degree in order to add diversity to the program. If a scientist can end up as a lawyer, it sheds light on the possibilities for specialization once graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Employers are looking for variety in this competitive economy and this opens the spectrum for job opportunities as a result. This can also add to the selection of considered majors that have not been thought of before.
Many students in this generation have panicked several times about the direction they are heading.  It is important to remember that many majors can develop into a variety of professions. Life is always throwing curve balls and it is impossible to know what might happen. As long as the major that was decided on was selected out of genuine interest, the choice will not be regretted. Future employers will notice if you possess the passion for your career. This will put you above those who went into the same field and it is not what they love. Do what you like while being the best you can be. Put yourself above the rest by being the most passionate individual and you will find your niche in this crazy job market. Just as Ronald Regan said, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”
I do not know what I am going to do exactly after my undergraduate. I do know what I study is my passion and I may end up in teaching, law, or a variety of other things but no matter what I will love what I do because it is what makes me the happiest.

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