Located in: Opinions
Posted on: August 28th, 2011 No Comments

Greek life at CMU

To mark the beginning of the school year, colleges all around the United States are celebrating with concerts, fairs, dances, artists and more. However, there is one popular tradition that Colorado Mesa University has yet to provide, which is a rush week for sororities and fraternities.
Almost everywhere you look around CMU’s campus it seems something is varying or new. Houston Hall has been renovated, Bunting Avenue Student Housing is full of residents, the dining hall has expanded, and to top it all off, we attend the newly named Colorado Mesa University.
With changes around every corner it is hard not to wonder what’s next. Every year we continue to expand and welcome more and more students. There will naturally be more activities and organizations every semester for this assortment of individuals to belong to. Many worry that CMU will lose its “little school” atmosphere and unique culture with all these developments. Agreed, this college has unique spirit but it’s growing and must be embraced. Our beliefs and education are the elements of this school, which students and faculty will maintain no matter the size.
Justin Kawcak, President of Associated Student Government said, “The pros and cons are being weighed and in a very preliminary state,” A few reasons it is being considered are the involvement opportunities and increased school spirit.
Greek life is notorious for outrageous behavior thanks to Hollywood and the image portrayed by movies such as “Old School” and “American Pie.” These movies are dramatized and made to seem as ridiculous as they appear. The worry of increased partying is legitimate. However, we must be realistic. The majority of college students choose to party themselves, not by influence. To provide a sanctioned place with numbers of trusted friends is not a bad idea. The purpose of Greek life is not going crazy. Having that kind of fun can be an element of it, because we are college students, not because it is the goal of the associations.
Another fear expressed is that Greek life promotes cliques and segregation. The average member of a sorority or fraternity does not feel further from other students, but part of a larger family than they could have ever found individually. Most people don’t know that there are required GPAs for holding an office or even becoming a member and that the national average grade point averages of Greek students is amongst the highest of all collegiate organizations. It is also little-known that all Greek organizations have an adopted philanthropy for which they raise and donate money. People learn about their sisters and brothers on a deeper level because they not only work to better society together but live and support each other along they way. They find a support system that stands behind them throughout their college experience and into the real world. We all do not choose to be athletes, musicians, or artists. For people who desire a different kind of niche in CMU’s community, Greek life would be a wonderful opportunity to open new relationships and make a difference.
Colorado Mesa University is on the rise and we need to provide an assortment of involvement for the diversity of students. Even though Greek life will not be implemented in the near future, it is important to support the many changes that have happened and are to come. The more proud Mavs we have, the more pride we can take in our already outstanding college.

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