Located in: Features
Posted on: May 1st, 2011 No Comments

Earthe Man visits the Grand Valley

The Black Eyed Peas once asked “where’s the love?” A man who introduced himself as Earthe Man is asking a similar question. He is asking “where is the love for those who love the environment?”
He hitch hikes and rides his bike all around the country and sings songs to those who go out of their way out to do something positive for Mother Nature.
Most people would need hours of practice to be able to perform that often but in his case he improvises the songs on the spot so he never runs out of material.
But with so many issues to sing about how does he decides what to focus on? First he asks a person about an environmental issue they are conscious of and then he asks what their favorite animal is and once he finds away to link them together he plays his ukulele and the lyrics begin to flow.
I am not particularly environmentally conscious but he and I still managed to come up with a topic to celebrate. I only live a block from campus so everyday I walk to school instead of driving, and as for my favorite animal I have always though birds prey were pretty cool, especially owls. Thus, a song about owls and living close to school or work was formulated for my enjoyment right before my eyes.
I cannot re-call all of the lyrics but I do re-call a line that said “don’t be a fool live close to school” and a catchy hook that went a little something like “hooty hooty hooo.”
But you don’t need a cape and lime green booty shorts to thank your friends for being kind to Mother Earth like Earthe Man (although it couldn’t hurt.)
According to Earthe Man you can use whatever talent suites you. You could write a song, paint a picture, or even give out foot massages.
“Whatever it takes to thank your friends for being kind to Mother Earth,” Earthe Man said.
His goal is to add one hundred forty environmental songs to his repertoire, but he’s not alone. He’s accepting submissions on his website voxerth.org.
If Earthe Man has a cape like Batman does he have any cool tools like Batman? Actualy he does. One of his weapons of choice is referred to as the “eco-light saber.” This tool is not very uncommon. An “eco-light saber” is a re-useable water bottle. By carrying around an “eco-light saber” it cuts a hole in the amount of habitat destroyed to produce non-reusable plastic bottles.
Earthe Man’s other tool is called Earthe Money. Earthe Money can be issued as rewards for your present self from your future self after pledging to do something helpful for the environment.
At the end of the day Earthe Man is just a man with cape. His costume doesn’t give him special powers. His sun glasses don’t grant him x-ray vision. He is just a man, but he is a man with passion and a message, and there lies the source of his power.

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