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Posted on: March 9th, 2011 1 Comment

Westboro supporters disrespect Amercan way

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Westboro Baptist Church is a minor “religious” group, located in Topeka, Kansas, that has succeeded in grasping the attention of Americans all across the country. I have the word “religious” in quotations because, to me, a religious group is an assembly of individuals who worship their Lord and seek peace, righteousness, and love for their particular God and all his children.

Westboro Baptist is the furthest conceivable thing from that definition.  In fact, I was unaware of how capable people were of hatred until I read of WBC activities. It appears that hate is the center of this religion.

WBC members hate Jews, African Americans, and above all, Homosexuals. WBC has made a name for itself by protesting at over 600 American soldiers’ funerals, holding signs reading “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” and “God Hates Fag Enablers” and desecrating the American flag. They claim each American soldier’s death is divine punishment from God as a result of our nation’s tolerance of homosexuality.

On March 10th, 2006, Albert Snyder laid his son, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, an American Marine, to rest in Westminster Md. The WBC premeditated their protest at the fallen hero’s funeral and publicized their plans to do so. The morning of the funeral, WBC was greeted by over 1,000 outraged citizens. The protest was so rampant that, eventually, the SWAT team had to be called.  Albert Snyder claims, “The day I laid my son to rest should have been a day of remembrance and celebration of his life. Instead it was made into a circus by all the protesting.”

Snyder filed a lawsuit against WBC seeking justice for the disrespect displayed at his son’s funeral. Federal courts determined that the grounds for the lawsuit were justifiable and awarded him $10.8 billion. A week ago the Supreme Court retracted that ruling and claims that WBC’s opinions and beliefs are an entitlement and they are protected by the first amendment to voice said opinions. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said, “As a nation we have chosen a different course – to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate.”

The Supreme Court came to the verdict that honoring the first amendment was more important than respectfully honoring those who lost their lives protecting that very right. When I became aware of Westboro’s activities, I was disgusted. I was embarrassed that these homophobic, anti-Semitic, uneducated, arrogant, hillbillies termed themselves Americans.

I read of the Supreme Court’s decision to protect the WBC through the first amendment and I was infuriated. I understand that it is the Supreme Court’s job is to protect the constitution and while I agree that the WBC has not formally violated the constitution, they have shamed and embarrassed America as a country. WBC is not just practicing their freedom of speech – They are taking advantage of it. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said, “Our profound national commitment to free and open debate is not a license for the vicious verbal assault that occurred in this case.” Alito truly says it impeccably, we, as Americans, are blessed to have the amenity and protection of the first amendment. However, it does not warrant disrespect.

WBC is a pathetic excuse for a religious group and for Americans. I once heard a quote, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” WBC may be protected by the first amendment. However, so is everyone who differs with its views and actions.

Clearly, our government is in a tough position and can take little action without violating people’s rights, so it now lies with American citizens to take a stand against this exasperating parasite in our society, just as the dismayed citizens of Westminster did. Stand up and fight for what’s right. Isn’t that what our soldiers would do?


One Response

  1. tjyoung1 says:

    Not all religions worship one god. Its called “polytheism” as opposed to “monotheism” Again – research.

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