Located in: Opinions
Posted on: February 21st, 2011 No Comments

Library book renewal poses security threat


Which is an easier task: renewing your driver’s license or renewing a library book?

When I realized last month that my driver’s license had expired, I freaked a little bit wondering what torture I would have to endure to get it renewed. I didn’t know if there was a penalty to serve, paperwork to fill out, or tests to repeat. Just the thought of going to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) made me uneasy.

I found out that my license had expired on a weekend, so I decided I had better check out the DMV’s website to see what I needed to do that following Monday.

Remarkably, I was amazed that the Colorado’s DMV renewal process was effortless. There are eligibility requirements that must be met but no real verification process except relying on you to answer the questions honestly. My picture would stay the same, and my address, vision and donor information was approved with just a click of the mouse.

All I needed was a credit card, a “convincing” email address, my birth date and the last digits of my social security number. The process was so easy, within minutes I had renewed my driver’s license and it would be delivered to my house in weeks. And although I appreciate how easy it all was, it was a little weird that there was no verification that I was the one entering all that info. How do they know that I really am OK without them giving me an eye test?

When I misplaced my library card and had a book due and no time to return it that day, I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal. I would just call the library and give them my name and I could get the book renewed. Not a chance.

After I explained my situation to the librarian over the phone, I asked if she could just look up my name so I could get the book renewed. She said no she was not authorized to do so without the number on my library card.

I laughed and said, “Well that’s the problem, I didn’t have my card but I have the receipt of when I checked the book out. I have the book in my hand. Isn’t it possible for me just to give you the information from either one and you can look it up for me? Can you just type my name in or the title of the book?”

“No, I can’t do that. Security reasons.”

Are you kidding me? There are security issues over the renewal of a library book? Apparently I missed the memo on the level of security being enforced at the public library. The librarian was clearly not too happy that I was trying to breach it. I meant no disrespect; I was just trying to renew a book.

I know that a driver’s license and a library card are two different things. But I just found the experience of renewing both was amusing. I did end up finding my library card and you better believe I’ll never misplace it again. Security reasons.


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