Located in: Features
Posted on: December 6th, 2010 No Comments

ASG toy drive brightens Christmas

Every year thousands of families in the U.S. struggle financially to get through the year. To most people, something as simple as putting food on the table seems a minor task. However there are many others who fight daily to feed their family. This is especially true during the holidays. Holidays are a time for families to come together, celebrate and rejoice in the things they have.

But too often those in need are forgotten in the madness of preparing for the holidays. While children around the world wake up to “Santa’s gifts,” many have nothing under the tree Christmas morning; Grand Junction is no exception.

Mesa State’s Associated Student Government runs an annual toy drive to help local families in the Grand Valley.

“I thought our school did a toy drive every year and when I found out that there wasn’t one happening this year I volunteered to organize and set everything up so that we could have one,” Stephanie Wickers, the ASG senator in charge of the event, said.

“I wanted to keep the tradition alive.”

Already students and faculty have donated about 45 toys. There is still a week left. ASG members will stop collecting toys Dec. 10. Then the toys will be given to the Salvation Army as well as local churches and distributed to the less fortunate families in the valley.

There are bins where toys can be dropped off in every building on campus, big traffic areas like the College Center have more than one bin for drop offs to be made. They are asking for unopened toys for children of all ages and say they “appreciate everyone’s help” in ensuring a brighter Christmas for some very lucky families.

“When I heard about the toy drive I knew I wanted to help and although I do not have classes at Mesa anymore I went and got a few things and brought them to admissions. If every student brought one gift so many kids would have a more meaningful Christmas,” said Allyson Schepens, a Mesa State graduate.

“I have known people that have gone without presents on Christmas morning and I felt it was only right to do my part in helping some families not have to experience that,” Wickers said.

ASG members are reaching out to the students and asking for donations to help make the toy drive a success.

“Holidays are for giving and spreading joy to others not about how many gifts you receive. I donated to the toy drive because I wanted kids to have the same Christmas experience I did while growing up,” senior Kate Lowder said.

Something as simple as stocking stuffers go a long way when it comes to those who have nothing. There is a week left for the drive and the leaves seven days to make some one else’s Christmas a little brighter.

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