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Posted on: September 27th, 2010 No Comments

Wicked witch of the Tea Party could save government

Matt Meyer

Bubble, bubble, the tea-baggers are in trouble.
Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party’s golden girl has said some pretty crazy things. Masturbation should be banned, homosexuality is an “identity disorder” that should be treated medically, and opposes abortion even during cases of rape and incest.
But the strangest thing to ever come out of this far-right nut-job’s mouth is that she “dabbled in witchcraft.”
Now, for me at least, it is easy to envision O’Donnell with green skin, a giant wart, and a bad case of aquaphobia. But despite her rivaling Sarah Palin for the biggest idiot on the political scene, I can’t help but notice some of the good that has come from her rise to political stardom.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate the Tea Party. I hate nearly everything it’s pea-brained devotees, and Queen Palin, stand for. But the Tea Party has caused a political shake-up that could vastly improve Capitol Hill. I say “could” because the Tea Party, should it succeed, could also plunge our government further into the extremist hell-hole it is starting to become. But if the Tea Party is squashed out by the two party system (as the two party system is rigged to do), then it could bring parties back to caring about doing what is best for the people, and not the country.
Democrats will stop trying to see whose bulge is bigger with Republicans, and could possibly pass one or two pieces of useful legislature while they own both houses and the presidency. And the GOP establishment will realize if they ever want to win an election on their own merits, they will have to appeal to the single, most unifying piece of political power they have: money.         Everyone loves having money in their pockets. If the Republican party is smart, it will completely forget the wild spending of the Bush years, and move back to a time when true Republicans preached fiscal conservation.
The Tea Party can shake up the two party system to where it can do some good for the people again. We’ve gotten so far away from what government was meant to do, all the good it can do socially and economically.
It’s been eroded to a giant popularity contest and a fight to see which party can shove the most idiotic legislation down the country’s throat while pissing off everyone in the process.
This two party system has gotten in the way. The possible removal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is a perfect example of politics getting in the way of something that needs to just get done. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was the sole dissenting voice among Republicans for allowing gays to openly serve in the military. She was enough to break the Republican filibuster. She “thinks it’s the right thing to do. It’s only fair.” She then took her vote away because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would not let Republicans add amendments to the bill. Politics gets in the way of progress.
The Tea Party, for all the moronic policies it pushes, has the potential to bring government back to the people. And I wish O’Donnell luck, because if she can fly to Washington on her broom, pointy hat on her head, she has the potential to change the face of government. Hopefully without sacrificing any animals in the process.

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