Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 27th, 2010 1 Comment

Gender equality doesn’t mean being a spineless wussy: The dying breed of manly men

Levi Meyer

This is war.
No, this isn’t “Saving Private Ryan.” It’s a war between the sexes. Man vs. woman. And in this modern day rife with feminism, I’m a little worried about Ryan’s privates.
Over the past few decades, the modern man has undergone an extreme metamorphosis. The cigar smoking chauvinist of the the midcentury has been replaced by the more sensitive, submissive man of today. I’m not willing to be believe that the age of untamed masculinity is dead, but it seems that the man may have one hairy leg in the grave.
Feminists love the sound of that. Earlier this year, researchers discovered that women now make up the majority of America’s workforce. There are now more women attending college than ever before. Newspapers and blogs have called this year “the end of men.” To the modern Rosie Riveter’s of our country, it appears that the dominance of man has come to an end. Feminists won’t stop flaunting their new-found superiority over men until every last proud male on this earth is carrying moisturizer and diapers in his new man-purse.
With a powerful new model of woman and a more matronly form of man, the dynamic between men and women seems to be changing as fast as woman can shout demands to their husbands. That’s fast. He comes when she calls, he follows her every command and he is irrelevant when it comes to decision making.
Way to go, ladies! You’ve turned the modern American man into your bitch.
Maybe it’s the moisturizer talking, but this reminds me of the dynamic that men had with women in the 1950’s, only with women as the aggressors. The roles of dominance seem to have switched completely in American society.
Is this a travesty toward men? Absolutely!
Stand up for yourself, Don Draper. Women will have no problem controlling you if you let them. The liberation of the modern woman doesn’t also lead to the enslavement of the modern man. Men are still capable of being manly. It has nothing to do with being an alpha male or a wild animal. A true man can be fair to others while still being fair to himself.
The solution to the gender war is simple – there must not be a war at all. Men can no longer assume that they inherit power over women. Conversely, women can’t continue attempting to squash every man that stands up for himself. Power over others is a human desire, but equality between others is a human necessity. It’s the only way humans can coexist without scratching at each other’s throats. If men and woman can’t treat each other as equals, everyone is in trouble.
It’s time for men to be proud of their masculinity again. No domination or aggression involved. Men can choose to be fair to women while still having a strong male presence— and hopefully, women will choose to do the same. That way, even in a world where feminists cover the earth, no man will ever have to worry about his privates.

One Response

  1. tjyoung1 says:

    Loved it. Men, stomp your feet and grab your junk, time to take back our pride!

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