Located in: Features
Posted on: September 13th, 2010 No Comments

Guest speaker inspires hope and students embody love

web 2Last week was National Suicide Awareness Week.  Part of Suicide Awareness week is “To write love on her arms.”  In remembrance of lost loved ones or other past struggles those who want to remember write love on their arm. Mesa State was one of many institutions who partook in the event where groups gathered together and wrote love on their arms. Programs Activities Council took the event a step further. Dwaynie Bacon, a P.A.C. representative, planned the event.
Bacon brought in Chris Youngblood who is one of the founders of the non-profit called “To Write Love On Her Arms,” and also are the people responsible for inspiring events like these.  Youngblood spoke about his organization and how it was formed as about 25 students listened intently to his words of hope. “I think it was a positive thing,” said Bacon, “the students that came seemed like they could relate”.
Youngblood and his associates formed the organization in 2006 as a part of their Christian ministry.  A friend was struggling, with addiction, depression, and self. They created t-shirts to sell to help finance her recovery treatment. They created a myspace and received public support from the bands Switchfoot and Anderlin.
Now TWLOHA is a nationally recognized organization whose vision is “that community and hope and help would replace secrets and silence. The vision is people putting down guns and blades and bottles.
The vision is that we can reduce the suicide rate in America and around the world. The vision is that we would learn what it means to love our friends, and that we would love ourselves enough to get the help we need.,” according to their website www.twloha.com.
TWLOHA started to give people hope and to let those who are struggling know that they are not alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with these obstacles Mesa State students receive free 24 hour counseling from Behavioral Clinical Services, students can also contact the Student Health Center to make an appointment.

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