Located in: Opinions
Posted on: March 29th, 2010 No Comments

Finding ways to relieve stress isn’t hard to do

Vanessa Gross

Stress is a crazy mental and emotional rollercoaster that can knock you on your derrière. Most likely you have had your fair share of it, I know I have.
Stress for me comes in many forms. Sometimes it comes in human form with titles like ‘Professor’, ‘boss’ and ‘in-laws’. Even my two little angels, my son who is almost four and his sister age one; can turn into Stress One and Stress Two. Or stress, in its material forms, are the pile of bills waiting to be paid, unfinished homework and the dirty dishes- all calling my name. Even after I changed my name when I got married, it still found me.
In talking with many college seniors this semester, stress for them is at an all time high. Their schedules are maxed out with cramming for tests, doing homework for a class load, working full or part-time jobs, trying to get interviews for their ‘after college’ career job and any other clubs they may be involved with. And that is not including trying to find time for their relationships.
It’s a lot of pressure, because they are also trying to be the best at all of it. The good news is that most students keep their stress levels to a minimum by having a strong support system of family and friends. Without it, stress can overtake so much of who you are. Depression, anxiety and physical pain are a few of the nasty things that can take over.
A lot of them also relieve stress by getting physically active. Now I’m not talking about becoming a slave at the gym for a day, but just getting outside and going for a walk can do wonders for the soul. When the walls seem to be closing in, and after reading the same sentence for the hundredth time you still don’t know what your read, stop. Get up and do something else for awhile. Go clean your car; get some fresh air- anything. Trust me, whatever you were working on will be waiting for you to come back. It isn’t going anywhere.
I know I will make it through “the most stressful day of my life” because I talk to my friends and family about things that are going on in my life. By telling someone about all the insane pressures I have endured this last semester, it makes things a little bit more bearable for me. I go outside, even for five minutes, just so I can clear my thoughts for a moment. I know it won’t make everything a Lucky Charm rainbow with a pot of gold at the end, but little by little stress does relive itself. It won’t go away, but some folks actually believe a little stress is a good thing. I work better, and am more creative under pressure. It’s sick, I know, but that is the person I am, with my tormented relationship with stress.


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