Take charge of student fee allocation through the ASG election


Thomas Tusser is credited on BrainyQuote for saying, “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Soon, Mavs will have the opportunity to choose foolishness or wisdom.

The Associated Student Government (ASG) debates will take place the evening of Wednesday April 3, and the election will happen the following Monday, April 8. The election can affect how student fees are allocated. Have an active role in how our money is spent: Pay attention and vote.

The ASG debates feature presidential candidates and student trustee hopefuls. The president and vice president serve as the executive branch and oversee the senate, which regulates organization funding and the student controlled reserve fund (SCRF).

The student trustee works with the Board of Trustees and has a powerful role in how much money we pay in student fees. They combine with the president and vice president to form the executive branch; a branch that has access to, and influences, great sums of money.

The control of money is not limited to the executive branch. The ASG senate regularly sponsors and approves money for clubs. The senate also approves the biennial budget for all organizations.

Every ASG position is up for election next Monday. That is the opportunity for Mavs to declare who they trust with their money. Wisdom suggests that all of us should pay attention and vote, yet historically, the majority of students don’t bother to do so.

It’s understandable when Mavs don’t bother to become involved in a lot of things. Sometimes they just want to get their degree and move on with their lives. However, when it comes to the ASG elections, getting involved can affect how much that degree costs.

Choosing to sit on the sidelines rather than learn about the candidates and vote wisely is foolish indeed. And those who choose to be foolish may find themselves parted with more money than they like.

Don’t be a fool. Pay attention and vote for the candidates who will safeguard your money.