Summer is coming… but so are finals. 

How to finish your semester strong when don’t want to 


Warm summer nights, relaxing weekend trips, no more assignments due and no more grades—these things are all coming in just three short weeks. Three short weeks and you are free. But before all of that can come, you have to finish your classes and finish them well. So here is some advice to help you finish your semester strong when you want nothing more than to give up. 

Plan out what you have left to do 

With each class coming to an end it is a good idea to go through and refresh yourself on not only what assignments and tests you have left but how you will do them. What grades do you need to get? Do you need to talk to your professor? Figure out what you need to do to get the grade you want and, if you don’t know, get help from your teacher. Even if you are utterly failing a class, nothing is impossible and you should never give up. 

In addition to your classes, don’t forget about your goals. Remember the beginning of the semester and the plans you had? Maybe you were going to hike the monument or throw a barbecue.  You only have three weeks left in the semester to complete them. Summer is almost here, but it isn’t here yet, and you still have time to work on that beach body or play the disc golf course. 

Don’t make it this far to give up now 

Once you have listed out everything you still have to do, do it. Push through the pain. Each thing you accomplish on your list is one step closer to your relaxing summer. It is so easy to procrastinate and push things off but if you work hard now then you won’t have to stress about it later. Hard work won’t become easy later.  

If you start being productive now you could prevent a lot of worrying later because of last minute cramming. Sooner or later the due date will be here, don’t let it sneak up on you. That Netflix show will still be there this summer. 

Stay healthy and get enough sleep 

With everything coming to a head and anxiety peaking around finals, it is difficult to have time to stay healthy. While it may not seem like you have enough hours in the day, getting enough sleep will help your mind function better and more efficiently when working. Exercising, even for a short time, will also help energize you and help your mind focus.  In addition, getting sick could greatly affect both your ability to perform on finals and enjoyment of summer when it comes. 

Ask for help 

You aren’t in this race alone. If your grade isn’t what you want it to be, visit with your professor to get advice on how to improve in the final weeks. If you don’t understand something or maybe you skipped a few classes, get a tutor. Lastly, get help from your fellow students and plan a study group or get a study buddy for finals.   

You can do this. Summer will be here soon, you just have to power through the rest of this semester.