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Susan Moore

Susan Moore is 43 years old and grew up in Houston, Texas. She recently received her AA in Business Administration, Liberal Arts-Humanities and Liberal Arts-Social Science in December 2017. Moore is working on her BBA Management. Moore has been currently married for seven years. She started her college education in Santa Barbara, California, then she attended college in Venice, Florida and she is finishing here at CMU. Moore moved to Grand Junction almost 3 years ago.
On Monday, Apr. 3, Colorado Mesa University (CMU) hosted their annual Entrepreneurship Day (E-day). Throughout the morning local business-people gave guest presentations to students within Dominguez Hall.
One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four…… On Thursday April 4, the Latino Student Alliance (LSA) hosted a Latin Dance Night. The event...
The Associated Student Government's (ASG) meeting on Mar. 27 involved a discussion with Vice President of Student Services John Marshall. The discussion was in reference to an...

Final Farewell

The Colorado Mesa University Athletic Training Club and 17 Strong have hosted the Mr. Mav Pageant each year for the last eight years. It is a fundraiser...