Home Authors Posts by Carl Bryant

Carl Bryant

Carl is a senior at Colorado Mesa University from Eckert. He works at The Criterion as a website manager and dabbles in photography and videography.
Just in time for the 10 year anniversary of gaining university status, Colorado Mesa University (CMU) has announced that it will be changing its name to Coca-Cola...
A shockwave was launched this morning after a student announced their plans to drop out of college. While this is not uncommon, many seem annoyed with this student...
The new Culinary Arts Building was inspired by the three story St. Mary's  Building. They will be tearing down the University Center parking garage for this project. Heads turned and tensions...
Colorado Mesa University (CMU) came under fire recently after a parent on Twitter accused the campus of  “speciesism.” In the center of the conflict is CMU’s mascot, Rowdy....