Rate My Housing: Tomlinson Library


With students complaining that their dorms are too expensive and difficult to focus in, many are looking for alternatives to dorm life. Well, I have one question for you: if you feel the same, have you considered Tomlinson Library?

While perhaps an unconventional choice, the library on campus offers some quite attractive features for those looking for housing. 

There is often food available, it’s considered one of the easiest places to focus on campus and it’s free! You don’t even need a MAVcard to enter, unless you’re trying to go to the 24-hour space after closing. So if you lose it, there’s no need to call a friend to let you in. 

If you’re hoping to catch some sleep or focus on your homework, there are many little spots to hide away within the library. Take a nap on the second floor and have a friend read you a bedtime story from the available book or go to the third floor if you want somewhere quieter. Just make sure you don’t talk in your sleep or snore too loudly! 

You might also make sure you don’t sleep too soundly. 

Some say that former Colorado Mesa University president, John Tomlinson, walks the halls of the library at night. He spends his nights looking for an overdue copy of his favorite book: “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.”

One disadvantage of the library is the hours – some days the library is only open for five hours and it can be completely closed over breaks. 

The 24-hour space is still open over breaks, but know that you are not allowed to sleep in it. If you’re feeling brave, you can try to hide from the library staff and security during their pre-closing rounds/checks. 

Remember to be careful! There are many rumors flying around about where the skeleton in Tomlinson came from.