Cultural Cafe


The Cultural Cafe is an event that takes place in Tomlinson Library every month. 

The goal of the event is to educate students on other cultures they may not travel to as well as inform interested students of studying or traveling abroad. The next one will cover Ethiopia and take place on Feb. 9 at 12 pm. 

The Cultural Cafe is housed in Library Event Room 139 and is run by three key faculty: Head of Access Services and Outreach Laureen Cantwell, Director of International Students Admissions and Programs Annie Gingerich and Library Director Sylvia Rael. 

“These events are important as they highlight the diversity on our campus and the unique experiences that international students and those with international travel and experience bring to the campus culture and community. These events promote cultural competency and awareness through sharing about cultures and countries that many of us may never travel to,” Gingerich said. 

The series was created in 2017 and has since had 20 cultures featured with the upcoming meeting making 21. Presenters have included students that are studying internationally and faculty who have worked or lived in other countries. 

“Photos are a popular way of sharing cultures; presenters show videos of musical events, dancing and their community. Authentic cuisine and relevant displays of books and artifacts make this a robust, multi-sensory experience,” Gingerich said. 

Mahlet (Mae) Mamo will be the presenter of the next Cultural Cafe. Mamo is a third year student studying Political Science as well as holding the Assistant Director position for the Cultural Inclusion Council. Mamo was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and relocated to Colorado when she was a child. 

The 22nd Cultural Cafe will be held on Mar. 9 at 12pm in Library Event Room 139.