How to fund your club

The process of getting money for clubs explained


More clubs than ever before are being restarted this Fall.

While Colorado Mesa University’s (CMU) return to campus and optional mask usage has likely contributed to a recent growth in club activity, it’s important to recognize an importance of funding clubs in the first place.

The Club Advisory Board (CAB) oversees this club growth. They have over 150 clubs that they’re currently in charge of, and receive three or four applications per day on average for new clubs.

“If it’s a new club, they start with $50, kind of like a foundation so it’s not just zero in their account balance,” CAB Financial Advisor Shelby Rios said. “From there, there’s so many fundraisers that clubs can do.”

Fundraisers can be anything sold if approved.

“The easiest way to raise money for a volunteer is to work for Mav Rides and be a Mav Rides driver,” Rios said.

Donors and donations are also permitted.

“We definitely encourage clubs to go out to our community and reach out for those donations. And that’s pretty simple. The easiest way is to write a check and we’ll get that deposit into a Club’s account,” Rios said.

A club needs an advisor, President, Vice President and CAB representative. They also need paperwork like a constitution, which can be done with help from CAB. A meeting place and time needs to be registered on the Presence app.

Clubs are also able to request money from the Associated Student Government (ASG).

“ASG is probably a little more time intensive, but you might be able to get more money,” ASG President Jay Shearrow said.

To obtain money from ASG, a club representative will need to present to the House Appropriations Committee and later the Senate if it’s passed by the house.

“We recommend we get the requests like at least from what they’re half out, we get anything less than a month, it’s really difficult to have that quick turnaround because you have to go through meetings,” Shearrow said.

To get a funding request for a club, submit the Presence form or email CAB.

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