GSA presents “Ask the Gays” panel for Unity Week

Members of the LGBTQ community answered questions posed by audience


As a part of Unity Week at Colorado Mesa University, Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) hosted their event, “Ask the Gays,” in which a panel of people from the LGBTQ community answered questions posed to them on note paper.

GSA, which originally stood for “Gay Straight Alliance,” has recently changed their name to “Gender and Sexuality Alliance,” so they’re still GSA, but the new title expands to cover all of the LGBTQ community.

The panel held representatives of transgender female to male, transgender male to female, gay, lesbian, bisexual, non-binary and asexual backgrounds.

Led by GSA Coordinator Avery Ashby, the panel answered questions about life experiences in the LGBTQ community. The audience came up with the questions and wrote them down on paper for a moderator to filter and read, for purposes of anonymity and the ability to avoid potentially offensive questions.

Audience members were allowed to come forward and ask questions individually after the panel concluded.