Fighting depression with fitness

Health and Wellness Center partners with Maverick Center to combat Mental Illness


Colorado Mesa University’s Health and Wellness Center has recently partnered up with the Maverick Center to combat mental illnesses, such as depression.

The new program is all about the students, regardless of fitness or type of illness. In an attempt to help remedy those ailments through means outside of medication, the program is ready to help students fight.

“When someone comes in that is a little depressed or anxious and don’t want to use medication, now they have the option to exercise,” Dr. Jake Jones, associate professor of psychology, social and behavioral sciences and CMU sport psychologist consultant, said. “They can meet with a personal trainer and learn how to exercise and to exercise for their mental health. They have the option to meet with a nutritionist and adjust their diets or get a massage.”

Students that go to the Health and Wellness Center and are diagnosed with a problem are given the option to be referred to the Maverick Center so that they can start working with a personal trainer to improve their physical and mental health.

There are a handful of personnel that have been specially trained to help those seeking alleviation of their mental health. The faculty has been learning how to effectively work with students facing a mental issue.

Offering this kind of assistance to students is new for CMU and isn’t seen in many other universities. The unique approach of considering physical remedy for mental benefit is a big part of CMU and can even be related back to courses like Health and Wellness, which several students take during their college career. The new program is offering to help with finding the balance of mind, body and soul, according to Jones.

“For several years we have been working on treating people’s holistic health so that they aren’t only healthy in mind, body and soul but also so they can be the best student they can be,” Jones said. “Five years ago, we didn’t even have a place on campus for students to go and get mental health counseling. Now we have the cooperation between the Maverick Center, Health Center and the Behavioral Health center.”

Over the past four years, CMU has made great strides to promote student help. This program is only one of the ways that students can raise their mental health and work through their demons with the help of their school and professionals.

“Most schools have a basic student health and counseling center, but the majority aren’t doing this,” Jones said. “They aren’t promoting these holistic ways of healing. We are being Mavericks and are leading the way here. By providing students with multiple options to become the best versions of themselves.”