Flores makes cabinet of student leaders

Bi-weekly meetings to become mandatory


The first of the now mandatory student leader meetings happened at 5 p.m. Tuesday, bringing to order ASG President Beau Flores’ new cabinet.

Flores and ASG Vice President Jeff Vela have been working on creating this cabinet of leaders in order to bring a greater sense of unity to Student Life and student organizations as a whole.

“This is more for me to know what’s going on and for everyone to kind of be on the same page,” Flores said at the meeting, which had perfect attendance amongst Colorado Mesa University’ org leaders.

In the past, the attendance was not strongly enforced. The new administration’s idea is that engagement at these mandatory meetings will create a more satisfactory experience for students at CMU.

Several requirements of the new cabinet were discussed on Tuesday, with Student Life Director Dazhon Darien providing his input as well. “I don’t necessarily think President Beau should be the spearhead of this because this isn’t about ASG and this isn’t about student representation,” Darien said. “In a sense, it’s more about Student Life.”

The new cabinet discussed and voted on the frequency of the meetings, the expectations, and the consequences for absences. They settled for biweekly meetings, student leader pay cuts for too many unexcused absences, and student leader impeachment for a further offense.

“You all do need to be in this room as civilized presidents, you do need to be in this room understanding what each other’s doing, talking to each other and figuring things out,” Darien said. “That’s a part of collaborating.”

According to Flores, he will not count absences that occur in case of emergencies, and additionally, a different paid member of an organization can attend instead if the leader is not able to come.

Because of Thanksgiving Break, the next cabinet meeting will not be until Dec. 4. At that time, all the org leaders and Flores will go over the new bill together and it will be signed, thereby enacting the new laws and consequences.