How safe are you?

Crime rates by zip code in Mesa County


In a recent press release, ADT Inc., a provider of security systems, supplied an interactive crime map that allows users to select specific zip codes, counties, or states and compare crime rates to the national average. Areas of Mesa County were higher than the national average in multiple categories.

“This cutting-edge crime map was designed to help educate residents about their area and make them aware of crime hot spots,” Stephanie Buzano, media relations for ADT, said in the press release. “In addition to being able to take the steps necessary to avoid becoming a victim of crime, our new tool will also ensure residents are up-to-date on the criminal activity in their neighborhood.”

The map shows a comparison of both overall crime rate and specific crimes. The crimes analyzed in the map are assault, burglary, larceny, murder, motor vehicle theft, personal crime, property crime, rape and robbery.

Moving east-to-west, the general results of crime comparisons in this article will begin in Palisade and conclude in Mack. The comparison to national average is based on rate, not total numbers of crimes committed. Areas of higher population, therefore, may have a higher total number of crimes committed than a smaller populace, yet have a lower rate.

Palisade, zip code: 81526, is 0.12 times less in overall crime rate than the national average. The town has a lower crime rate in nearly all categories. However, Palisade is higher in both murder, 1.71 times more, and rape, 1.51 times more than average.

Clifton, zip code: 81520, on the other hand, has a lower crime rate in all categories. Clifton crime overall is 0.66 times less than average according to the ADT interactive map.

Orchard Mesa and the Redlands, zip code: 81503, are also lower in all categories with total crime 0.26 times less than average. The 81504 zip code region of Grand Junction has total crime 0.57 times less than average and is lower in all categories.

Unlike the previous three zip codes, the 81501 region of Grand Junction, which includes Colorado Mesa University, is higher than average than all categories except personal crime and robbery. This area has 1.16 times more assault, 1.23 times more burglary, 2.21 times more larceny, 1.27 times more murder, 1.03 times more motor vehicle theft, 1.56 times more property crime, 1.09 times more rape and 1.38 times more total crime than average.

The 81506 region of Grand Junction is similarly higher in total crime, 1.3 times more than average. This area as 1.43 times more assault, 1.26 times more burglary, 1.9 times more larceny, 1.25 times more murder and 1.38 times more property crime.

Situated next to that area, the 81505 region of Grand Junction has 0.26 less crime than average, with lower rates in nearly all categories. However, the region has 1.12 times more larceny.

Fruita, zip code: 81521, and Loma, zip code: 81524, are both lower in all categories with 0.39 and 0.50 times less total crime than average respectively. Mack, zip code: 81525, has 0.36 times less total crime but 1.2 times more burglary than average.

Mesa County as a whole has 0.24 times less total crime with only larceny, 1.03 times more, rating higher than the national average. Colorado is lower in almost all categories and has 0.13 times less than average total crime, but has 1.14 times more rape.

“In the wake of natural disasters, fears of looting and other forms of crime are often heightened. ADT’s newly released crime map wants residents to be aware of crime hot spots in their neighborhoods and use precautionary measures to prevent being victims of crime,” Buzano said in an email to The Criterion.

For more information, or to use the interactive crime map, visit or clicking this hyperlink: Crime Map.