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Posted on: April 17th, 2011 2 Comments

Romney’s experience and education could help save American economy


President Obama discretely pronounced his campaign for re-election in 2012 on April 4. Any level-headed and logical American would assume that the fact he has earned the lowest support ratings in the history of American politics, would be a slight indicator to Obama that this campaign will be nothing more than a failed endeavor to piss more Americans off. But clearly, President Obama feels otherwise. So far no Republican challengers have ceremoniously declared their candidacy. However, there are a few prime GOP contenders who are considered “all-but-declared” candidates.

One of the top GOP contenders is former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. Romney’s presidential campaign buckled in 2008. However, his political involvement has never rested. And especially now, in a time where our nation has learned to accept financial struggle and scarcity, we need a strong and intelligent leader such as Romney who is heavily skilled and experienced in finance to lift our country out of its recession.

In 2002 the Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah. The athletic tradition almost didn’t happen due to financial insecurity. Romney was made President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and turned the troubled games around for the better. He implemented multiple financial plans, ideas, and strategies and steered the event into a total success. As a Harvard Law and Business graduate, Romney is versed in both politics and business, a big part of which is finance. Americans need someone who can provide them with a strategy and with options to help them regain control of their individual finances and the nation’s, as a whole, much like Romney did in Salt Lake.

Aside from his obvious intelligence, strong leadership, and financial knowledge, one of the first things Americans recognize about Romney is that he is Mormon. Thirty-three percent of voters said that, if they had planned to vote for Romney, his strict religious affiliation would prevent them from casting their vote in his name.

First of all, what happened to not mixing church and state? Mormonism is an incredibly strict and structured religion. It requires its followers to be both morally and ethically precise. What about that is something we shouldn’t desire in a president? I, along with most of Americans, I hope, don’t want a President who is dishonest and has poor intentions. I don’t want someone who is going to use their charm and money to connive their way into the White House (cough cough O). I want a president who genuinely has the good of my country both at heart and in mind. I want that president to be passionate about their beliefs and especially in what they are doing, which would be leading our nation. Why would I not be pleased with a president that I can respect for his beliefs and, on top of that, his ability to keep his job and obligations separate from his personal beliefs and opinions?

We need to regain control over our government and country. We need someone who is genuine and determined, not to mention has experience.

We need someone who can carry America back to the top and who can relieve our country from its financial stress. That relief is not going to come through taxing and military pay cuts. It’s going to come through a structured plan and method and, furthermore, the execution of that plan.

The bottom line is that Americans were fooled by Obama’s charisma once before. I can’t imagine they would be fooled again. But is the chance worth it?


2 Responses

  1. tjyoung1 says:

    I disagree with most everything you’ve said, and hopefully because of recent events, you have too. I’ll start out by saying Romney is the best GOP candidate our country could have. Forget Trump, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the neo cons/Tea-Party republicans. They’re too fixated on distracting Americans from real problems and making them focus on any stunt they can pin on President Obama and the democratic party (birth-certificate, terrorist fist-jab, need I go on? Who’s the real victim now?). And I’m sure you’re tired of hearing President Obama is the one who killed OBL, when we know it was the Navy SEALS, but he definitely deserves credit for focusing on what matters unlike the Bush Presidency (who happened to prolong the hell out of this war, waste most of our budget, and put is in the recession, which President Obama had no part of). Its just sad how so many radically right-wing people can’t open their minds and eyes, and I’m a democrat and I might even vote for Romney (See, its not that hard.). So please, take off your “Republican” jerseys and quit rooting for your team just because you’ve followed them for so long. Switch teams and root for logic.

  2. tjyoung1 says:

    Also, could you please explain to me how President Obama connived his way into office with his money and charm? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VOTED HIM INTO OFFICE! And show me some proof about President Obama was/is being deceitful to the American people, because the last few presidents I can think of that lied to our county are Nixon, Clinton, and especially Bush (what WMDs?). It seems that this whole article was written to benefit the Mitt Romney campaign and to tear down President Obama’s campaign without giving any evidence. I’d strongly recommend you conduct your research from non-bias sources and use that research to back your opinions up with logic, assuming you’ll be writing politics in the future for opinion columns in other publications.

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