CMU announces online classes only for duration of semester


Colorado Mesa University (CMU) announced Tuesday that spring break will be extended one week and all learning will be online for the rest of the semester. The decision was made to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at CMU. Residence halls, the library and dining services will remain operational in limited capacity and student organizations are expected to continue working while following containment protocol.

Vice President of Student Services John Marshall sent an email to students informing them of the move to online only classes to finish the Spring 2020 semester. Marshall told students to look for communication from professors both through email and the D2L course shell.

“The adaptability of our students and instructors will be important to the success of this transition,” Marshall said in the email.

The academic semester is scheduled to end on May 14. Plans for Spring 2020 Commencement, previously scheduled for May 16 is currently undetermined. According to the email from Marshall, conversations about modifying the event are ongoing and information will be provided as soon as possible.

Tomlinson Library will continue to operate, but will be limited to CMU community and require a MAVcard for access. Social distancing, at least 6 feet between individuals, will be emphasized inside the facility.

The Caf will continue to serve food, but will implement a grab and go concept, rather than allowing individuals to eat inside the facility. Residence halls will remain open for students electing to stay on campus and more information will be provided to those students from the Office of Residence Life.

In a separate email sent to organization leaders, Student Life Director Shanae Mundee said organization staff are still expected to work and will continue to receive their normal stipend. Organization members are not required to go the office and are asked to limit office visits to one person at a time; though they are encouraged to work from home as much as possible.

Mundee told organization leaders that all physical events are cancelled, but encouraged organizations to hold virtual events during this time of social distancing. Though applications for organization positions for the next academic year are accepted throughout the month, hiring has been temporarily paused.

More updates will be provided as new information becomes available.