by Josh Beckner
- Gangnam Style: Everyone knows this one. This K-pop artist has been making music for years, but our attention was undivided when PSY released this video for his 18 single in 2012. I remember seeing it when it had gone viral. Right around 1-2 million views was when I instantly shared it on Facebook, along with the rest of the world. “Gangnam Style” has become the most watched video on YouTube ever with over 2.6 billion views and counting. The song itself is extremely catchy and the video features some colorful characters and sensational dance moves performed by PSY and his crew.
- David After Dentist: “Is this real life?” This video is one of my favorites of all time. This poor kid had finished his dentist appointment, where he was put under anesthesia, and has his reaction to this new, funny feeling filmed. At the time, I had a mixed reaction of laughing and feeling sorry for the exploitation of this young, confused boy, but I mostly laughed. A lot. This video inspired more uploaded videos of people on anesthetics after their appointments, including a more recent video entitled “Dubai Was Lit.” They remain some of my favorites to watch during YouTube sessions with friends.
Battle at Kruger: Filmed in 2004 during a safari at Kruger National Park in South Africa, this eight minute video is an impressive depiction of the rough life of the unforgiving Sahara. We see a group of buffalo approaching a watering hole, unaware that there are a group of lions watching their every move. The buffalo spot the lions, but it’s too late. They attempt to retreat, but the buffalo have come within striking distance and the lions begin their chase. They close in on a young buffalo as it tries to dive in the watering hole for safety, but the lions have it in their grasp. As they pull out their catch, an alligator snags the buffalo as well and a game of tug of war ensues between the two predators. The lions recover the baby buffalo, but as soon you hear some spectators mention the buffalo are returning. The cameraman zooms out just as we see the entire herd returning for their young. The herd surrounds the lions that have their baby and begin picking them off with vicious head-butts. The high intensity video ends happily as the herd finds their baby buffalo to still be alive and able to walk into the safety of the herd.
People Are Awesome: There was a video uploaded in 2011 entitled simply “People Are Awesome.” It is a showcase of exactly that. The world is full of talented and driven individuals. People who are constantly pushing the envelope, determined to see what they can’t do. When I watched this video, I felt empowered. And maybe a little lazy. The original video is gone, but you can find it by adding the date onto it. A channel of the same title was created though, and there is a new video uploaded every year, inspiring our creativity, imagination and motivation. I definitely recommend subscribing to this channel.
Harlem Shake:
Courtesy photo
Republic of Korea | FlickrAll of them make number five. “Harlem Shake” was my favorite internet trend, and I still love it. No, it never got old. If you don’t remember it, “Harlem Shake” was a song by “trap music” producer Bauuer, one of the pioneers of the electronic music genre. The song included a build up of about 15 seconds, which went into a “drop.” During the build up in the videos we would see a person, or group of people, appearing to be casually hanging out and going about their normal routine; when the drop would hit, mayhem ensued. This video style employed the use of hilarious and sometimes bizarre masks, outfits and other outlandish and random-seeming props. The song is excellent and the videos are bizarre in all the best ways.