Bumper stickers are one of the easiest forms of self expression there is, and a fun way to get oneself out there. At Colorado Mesa University (CMU), cars in the lots are littered with stickers.
Various bumper stickers around campus:

Photos by Braedyn Bleak for The Criterion.
“I like them but they take a lot of commitment to a certain thing,” psychology major Emerald Verano said.
“Political stickers or insulting ones are not very cool, but fun ones are pretty neat,” student Mitchell Westphal said.
As you wander the parking lots of CMU, you might notice a range of personal bumper stickers. One of the more common stickers you will see around is a COEXIST sticker, depicting several religious images in the shape of the word “COEXIST”. Other common stickers you might see are those depicting pop culture, many of which are Marvel logos and characters.