The Associated Student Government (ASG) went over multiple reports and discussed a possible “service day” to help the community during their Wednesday, Nov. 5 meeting.
The “service day” would ask students to take an hour out of their day to help out the community through community service.
“Some of us meet with John Marshall today, the biggest thing he spoke about was a service day. It would be a bunch of students getting together and serving the community. It would be like, help out for an hour and then get you parking ticket forgiven,” Senate Leader Haley Wiedeman said.
The money collected from the parking tickets would be given back to the community.
“It would pay those who are not in mavworks, potholes, signage, painting. Kind of just the upkeep of parking facilities,” Wiedeman said.
ASG also discussed the issue with the limited number of diapers changing stations on campus.

“A student reached out to me on Monday, it is about diaper changing stations. This student has a child. There are only changing station in the UC. He reached out to us for help, and how can we help future and current parents,” ASG Vice President Angel Bautista said.
While discussing funding possibilities for the new diaper stations it was suggested that Little Mavs provide the diaper changing stations.
“I was looking for total estimation for services like Little Mavs, it is like $840 a week,” Senator Alyssa Zurow said.
“I just want to talk about Little Mavs, for students who make the choice to bring their children, it is essentially for them to have places to change their babies. But this is also beneficial for events going on campus,” Senator Daniel Haas said.
At the meeting, Haas brought up the possibility of adding parties to student government.
“A gold party, representing fiscal responsibility, and a mavroon party would be more focused on getting people where they need to go. This is so, because we already have people circling the same two ideas. If we have two parties, then we have a more structured debate,” Haas said. “We would put it in the standing laws of the senate. Not in the constitution or bylaws, but who would be interested in that. Both CSU and CU do parties,” Haas said.

In other news, ASG will no longer be traveling to Adams State University to visit their student government. Instead, ASG President Beau Flores, Bautista and Chief of Staff Logan Taylor will be traveling to Denver University for the president coalition.
Senator Alec Hostetler mentioned the health and safety committee’s efforts to get a spot in the stall street journal discussing information about tobacco and nicotine this semester and in the coming semesters.
Wiedeman explained the outcome of the Battle at the Pitch event that happened last week.
“Battle at the pitch raised a little over a thousand dollars. The total deposited was $1,500. The turnout wasn’t as expected but we still got a lot of positive feedback,” Wiedeman said.
There will be painting for veterans on Nov. 11 and the EMT program and the Programming Activities Council (PAC) will be working together over the weekend to take in clothing donations for those in need.