Student Life gained a new look during the summer thanks to the Organization Inclusion Act. More computer stations, including a new location for Greek Life, have been added along with increased desks and a larger lounge area.

The Organization Inclusion Act was signed into effect by Associated Student Government President after a Presidential Cabinet meeting in the 2019 spring semester approved the plan. Organization leaders dedicated money from their reserve budgets to be utilized for the project, allowing up to $20,000 to be spent.
“I don’t want to take this credit, this project was only possible because the Presidential Cabinet made is so. All different leaders who represent an individual organization on campus came together and decided that the Student Life changes were needed,” Flores said. “I wanted to see Student Life reflect the students. We have been through a lot as a department the past year and change was needed.”
“A special thank you to Chris Deleon, Criterion EIC (editor in chief), who fought for this change and didn’t have any of it benefit him or his Organization,” Flores said.
DeLeon pushed for the change after learning that Greek Life was not represented in Student Life and The Lit Review occupied a closet in Escalante Hall. The organization leaders sitting on the Presidential Cabinet unanimously supported the act and offered available funds for the project.