Apr. 23: Unknown persons defaced the public restroom at 950 North Ave.
Apr. 25: Unknown person unlawfully entered the victim’s vehicle and removed items of value, causing a loss of less than $50.00, at CMU, Wingate, 1500 Cannell Ave.
Apr. 26: Unknown persons took the victim’s backpack containing items valued at less than $300 from the University Center 1455 N. 12th St.
Apr. 27: Vicente Mora, 25, was contacted and arrested for kidnapping and domestic violence after he was contacted in the 2800 block of North Avenue after investigation revealed he assaulted, restricted the movement of, and carried a known victim from one place to another.
Apr. 28: Jeffery Galvan, 19, was arrested for second degree assault, third degree assault and domestic violence at 950 North Ave. Both parties were non-CMU.
Louie charles • May 9, 2018 at 9:56 am
Has any of these people been convicted? And if not why are you trying to make people look bad in society. I know for a fact that no one is perfect, so this is disturbing to be honest.
Chris DeLeon • May 15, 2018 at 4:15 pm
Thank you for you inquiry. Your comment provides us the opportunity to clarify something that may be a point of misunderstanding within the community. The blotter is not an attempt to make anybody look bad. The information provided is a matter of public record which can be easily researched by any member of the community. Most newspapers like the Daily Sentinel and The Criterion provide a public service by performing the search on behalf of community members. The information provided is taken directly from the Grand Junction Police Department’s blotter list, arrest records, and the Colorado Mesa University crime report. The blotter only reports police action. Convictions are a matter of the court, not the police. When convictions are made on major news stories, those convictions become the source for their own article rather than a line in the blotter. Hopefully this helps. Have a nice day.