Located in: Opinions
Posted on: March 22nd, 2010

Man’s imperfection leads to Gov. imperfections

Andrea Hawkins
Bold Talk

Deep down inside we all have our nature. We all have good and evil inside of our hearts. I don’t need any more proof of this than proof that the sun sets every night. Because in all its blazing glory that sun sets, and in all of our humanity we are all flawed.
Some people believe that with the right amount of training, and the right amount of pushing, human beings can be made to be perfect, society can then be made into a Utopia. They believe this because they feel in their ideology that they have the recipe for how life should unfold.
People like me, however, know the truth. Not because I’m any smarter than people who believe that man can create a perfect society. Most people who hold this belief are highly educated. Theories, that smarter men than they have thought up, rationalize their thought process. They are missing an element that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing as a perfect society, and we can’t make a perfect society without a lot of people losing their liberties and lives. And the end product would never be perfect.
The key ingredient is God. No one is perfect but God, and God made flesh, Jesus. Because of this, we as people and as a society will always lose control, we will always fight, we will always steal, and hurt each other. Not because we are bad people, necessarily. It’s because we are human, and to be human is to err.
We can’t sit on our butts and think about how great it would be if everyone just believed in the same things, how wonderful it would be if everyone could have free health care or free food. People who think these things can be achieved are looking at the finished product. But in order for them to try and bake up that perfect society a lot of people are going to get burned.
Health Care for example, if it were a right and free  to all that would mean that health care workers become slaves. We can’t have rights that cost other people their rights, so no, health care isn’t a right. And no, people shouldn’t die on the streets. When people are allowProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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to succeed, and aren’t being held back, or more importantly holding themselves back than they wouldn’t go without health care to begin with. And if someone is unfortunate enough to be in need, many of us would offer them our charity because we are good people.
When the government wants to divvy out our charity than they get to pick who is most deserving, and unjustness prevails.
Man-made rights are like a ladder, we can climb it but there will always be a ceiling blocking true freedom. For ever right they give is connected to their limitations and we can’t continue to achieve greatness through man’s limits. God gives us our rights and the right that God gave man is the right to no boundaries as long as we don’t bind others. To be truly free is to only be abridged by ourselves and not to abridge others. The arrogance of man, wow right.
America’s founders had it right. They saw that man isn’t perfect and they knew that if man isn’t perfect than no government could be. That’s why we have the three branches and checks and balances. Now it seems, with Nancy Pelosi trying to sneak health care through without an up and down vote last week, and President Obama making a million executive orders, they have basically told us, they are perfect, they know best, and we just need to cook while they create Utopia. Good luck America.


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