Located in: Opinions
Posted on: March 22nd, 2010

Editorial: Thieves even live in Grand Junction

It would seem to be common sense to lock your car and put valuables away and out of sight. But a chain of not only vehicle break-ins but also house break-ins would prove that is not the case. Why is that? Call us crazy but we were under the impression that everyone learned that in middle school. Or is that just us crazy Denver locals?
Growing up in Denver we was always careful of what we left in our car. Our iPod, camera, purse, phone, everything went with me when I left my vehicle. The car was locked before we even shut the door so that we could ensure that nothing was stolen or broken into.
We have heard many people say that’s silly to do here in Grand Junction. It’s such a small town so it’s safe and no one would do such a crime; small town hospitality right? In the four years that We’ve been here, our car has been broken into or vandalized at least three times. This is exactly what everyone told us wouldn’t happen, proof that not even Grand Junction is safe from car theft.
There are many things that can be done to prevent such thefts from happening and it’s all simple common sense. Put away your valuables, including iPods, CDS, and purses; park in lighted or highly populated areas, and the most obvious, lock your car. It’s a matter of being smart. Don’t be stupid.
The one precaution that has yet to be taken is on Mesa State’s shoulders to be taken care of and that is installing video cameras in the parking lots. While this may not prevent theft, it will make it easier for police to catch the criminals. And it is possible that it will cut back on how many thefts occur because people will be hesitant to attempt a break-in. It is a major consideration that Mesa State should take into consideration to not only try and cut back on current crime but prevent future crimes.


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