Located in: Opinions
Posted on: February 15th, 2010

Begrudging Valentines for all the wrong reasons

Kim Unsworth
Keeping You Informed

Everyone knows that the month of February is about love and romance. For a brief history on Valentines Day, according to Gather news, Feb 14 was a special day for love lotteries in Pagan Rome. Young girl’s names would be put in a jar, which would then be picked out by the boys. Whoever was chosen from the jar would then be partners for a certain time at the Lupercalia festival. Even though these couples were paired at random, some of these relationships lasted for quite some time. However, times have changed and love is not forced upon us anymore, but it is chosen by our hearts desires.
Billions of cards and flowers are being sent around the world and everyone is remembered by their loved ones, whether it’s a boyfriend, girlfriend, or family. The day is known as Valentine’s Day. I have heard in the past, “Why do we need a day to show people we love them?” You should always show someone you love them, not just on Valentine’s Day. I agree. However, I do see a completely different side to it, especially with our country’s current economic situation.
Valentine’s Day helps our economy tremendously. If you think about it people spend billions of dollars on their loved ones treating them to elegant dinners, beautiful arrangements of flowers, Valentine’s cards, delicious chocolates and stuffed animals. According to the greeting card association on history.com, “An estimated one billion Valentine cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year,” only behind 2.6 billion cards sent on Christmas. So, even though you may not like the idea of having a day to celebrate love, its always good to look at the other side to it and see that it is helping the economy. So this Valentine’s Day whether you’re alone or with your significant other, remember not to be so negative because in the long run Valentine’s Day is a holiday that benefits everyone.
Nevertheless, I can also see the other side of things and how sometimes a guy wouldn

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