Student Life misses payment to org leaders

Wrong date sent in to bank


On Oct. 26, Student Org leaders didn’t receive their salary as they were meant to. Pay came four days later, on Tuesday, Oct. 30.

Julienne Stump, manager of Student Life Operations, explained the reason behind the delay. “A lot of people are involved in the payment process,” Stump said. Every month, Stump sets up a spreadsheet which tells exactly who gets paid how much. “From what I understand, it is at least a four-step authentication process before this information gets to the bank.”

The spreadsheet goes through quite a few people before it reaches the last person who has to notify the bank. That is where it went wrong last month, resulting in a missed payment from Student Life to Org leaders. “The last person that had to give the okay to the bank accidentally gave the wrong date,” Stump said. “And because it was right before the weekend there was nothing that could’ve been done. I found out only Monday, and by Tuesday, everyone got paid.”

“I have never had a mistake like this happen for as long as I’ve been here, and that’s about three semesters,” Stump said. “It was a human mistake, and no one makes a mistake like this on purpose. Of course the people that made the error will make sure it doesn’t happen again.”