Should Mavs mask up? Affirmation


We have been wearing masks since the beginning of the pandemic. Well, not all of us. 

With Governor Jared Polis easing the mandates of masks with the promise of soon ending it altogether, many are excited to return to normal. This seems like a huge relief, but we need to consider what will happen when our masks and sanitization disappear because people think the pandemic is over. 

Counties such as Mesa are in the green with COVID-19 cases and are letting businesses decide if they want to uphold the mask mandate. Considering bigger stores and restaurants are not upholding it anyway, it seems like the obvious answer is that they will not require it any longer.

As someone who works for a small business that has required masks indoors, I can attest to the fact that people get mad when they are asked to put a facial covering on and many pull out the most ridiculous mesh masks. 

I like to look at it this way: Scientists have proven that masks do work to slow the spread of COVID-19. I trust the World Health Organization’s research and conclusion. However, if they end up being wrong, the most inconvenience I get is that I had to wear a small face covering. It is not a big deal. 

In the grand scheme of things, I wore a mask to protect my fellow humans. I wore a mask because I do not want to infect others and cause them harm. If you throw a fit because you need to wear a mask, you are a part of the problem. I want you to reflect on why you care so little about anyone other than yourself. 

When we all stop wearing masks and businesses stop the extra cleaning, the common cold and the flu will rise in numbers again. We almost eradicated them with cleanliness and all of that work is going to disappear. Along with that, COVID variants such as B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 are mutating to cause more harm and can render the vaccine useless. 

I will continue to wear a mask (though I get harassed in the store by random old people for it) and I will continue to be vigilant about not spreading any diseases. The choice seems pretty simple if you have any compassion.