Residential parking lots to close temporarily

Lots RH5 and RH17 closed over Thanksgiving break


Over Thanksgiving break, residential parking lots RH5 and RH17 will be temporarily closed due to failing streetlights. Colorado Mesa University administration will ask that students move their cars out of the lots during that time so the lights can be repaired.

According to CMU administration, it would be challenging to repair the lights when classes are in session because they are located on a residential lot, and any cars parked there when the lot is closed will be towed.

Those students that won’t be leaving campus during Thanksgiving break will have to park elsewhere on campus. The administration says the advantage of repairing the lights during school break is that there will be fewer students on campus, which means fewer cars, and therefore less risk of getting a parking ticket.

Lots RH5 and RH17 are located between Mesa Ave. and Texas Ave. and serve as extra parking for residents who don’t want to risk parking outside Albertson’s. The university has no jurisdiction over the Albertson’s parking lot because it is not CMU property, so it would not be possible to make their lot available for student parking. Many students choose to park there anyway because it is a short distance away from campus and payment is not required to park there.