Presidential Cabinet discusses Halloween costume party

Courtesy of Jordan DeLeon

During the Associated Student Government (ASG) Presidential Cabinet meeting on Monday, Sept. 9, 2019, different organizations on campus discussed events they have coming up, but five of the organizations were absent.

The Criterion brought up a fundraiser Halloween costume party they will host here on campus to raise money for the Justice League of Hope. The costume dance party will take place in the Colorado Mesa University Center (UC) ballroom with free emission and prizes for the best dressed person. This event will be geared toward teenagers in the Grand Junction area.

Sustainability Council also has two events approaching fast. They will hold a pop-up bike shop in the Plaza on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Working with the Outdoor Program (OP), Sustainability Council will fix student’s bikes for free and sell reclaimed bikes for $50 each. Sustainability Council is also gathering people to participate in the West Slope Climate Rally in Downtown Grand Junction on Friday, Sept. 20.

Each month in the Cultural Inclusion Council (CIC), each one of the six different student alliances takes a turn in celebrating their culture with everyone else on campus. September is the Latino Student Alliance’s month. They will serve pizza in the UC cafeteria on Sept. 19.

CIC plans on having a Taco Tuesday event on Sept. 24, but this is to be determined. In November, CIC wants to partner up with other organizations to provide different arts and crafts for Fall Fest.

On Sept. 27, Greek Life will spend the night in the Plaza in order to raise awareness to help homeless teenagers in our community. The Programming Activities Council is hosting events next month for students to participate in during Homecoming week.

There will be cookie decorating, free t-shirts, a gamers night at The Point, Pub Night, the Homecoming Bonfire and the ASG carnival. MavRides said they are always looking for drivers to help.

In other news, an additional member from The Criterion, Brooklynn Guinto, was inducted into the House of Appropriations as well as Devan DeFreece, a representative for Greek Life who is the current President of Alpha Sigma Alpha (ASA).

Due to the bike theft that continues to occur on campus, the OP is seeking 60 new bikes with better locks and headlights for students on campus. 

The cabinet decided to postpone any discussion over the April Rodeo Concert until the next meeting.